Adnabod a Datblygu Talent

Yn ddiweddar mae IPEP wedi datblygu dull dysgu peirianyddol i dynnu nodweddion allweddol o gyfansoddiad yr athletwyr gorau yn y byd ac i helpu i adnabod perfformwyr sy'n arwain y byd o blith cystadleuwyr proffesiynol rheolaidd. Mae ein gwaith, sy'n canolbwyntio ar ffactorau demograffig, seicogymdeithasol, ymarfer a chyfarwyddyd nid yn unig yn helpu sefydliadau i adnabod talent o fewn eu llwybrau perfformiad, ond mae hefyd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i helpu i ddatblygu talent ifanc a gwella eu siawns o gyrraedd rhagoriaeth perfformiad. Mae’r ymchwil hwn wedi derbyn cyllid gan UK Sport a Bwrdd Criced Cymru a Lloegr ac mae’n dechrau effeithio ar ymarfer a pholisi dethol. 

Enghreifftiau o gyhoeddiadau:

Jones, B., Hardy, L., Lawrence, G., Kuncheva, L., Brandon, R., Bobat, M., & Thorpe, G. (2020). It Ain’t What You Do—It’s the Way That You Do It: Is Optimizing Challenge Key in the Development of Super-Elite Batsmen? Journal of Expertise3(2), 144-168.

Güllich, A., Hardy, L., Kuncheva, L., Woodman, T., Laing, S., Barlow, M., Lynne, E., Tim, R., Abernethy, B., Côté, J., Chelsea, W., & Wraith, E. (2019). Developmental Biographies of Olympic Super-Elite and Elite Athletes: A Multidisciplinary Pattern Recognition AnalysisJournal of Expertise2(1), 23-46.

Jones, B., Hardy, L., Lawrence, G., Kuncheva, L., Brandon, R., Such, P., & Bobat, M. (2019). The Identification of ‘Game Changers’ in England Cricket’s Developmental Pathway for 3 Elite Spin Bowling: A Machine Learning ApproachJournal of Expertise2(2), 92-120.

Hardy, L., Barlow, M., Evans, L., Rees, T., Woodman, T., & Warr, C. (2017). Great British medallists: Response to the commentariesProgress in Brain Research232, 207-216.

Hardy, L., Barlow, M., Evans, L., Rees, T., Woodman, T., & Warr, C. (2017). Great British medallists: Psychosocial biographies of Super-Elite and Elite athletes from Olympic sports. In M. Wilson, V. Walsh, & B. Parkin (Eds.), Sport and the Brain: The Science of Preparing, Enduring and Winning (Progress in Brain Research). Academic Press.